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ART 211

 Teacher Example & Artist Statement

Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge – The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Description - This is my teacher's example for a wire portrait lesson that I taught with a group as a part of a larger wire unit. The aim of the wire portraits was for students to familiarize themselves with the wire medium and its capabilities before they made 3D wire sculptures. As well as learning about continuous lines as a different approach to portraits.

Rationale - My artwork and artist statement show that I have a great understanding of the wire medium. This particular project was for students to gain an understanding of the medium before moving onto a 3D sculpture and to be an expression of themselves.

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Unit Plan

Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.

Description - In this unit my group decided that the end goal was for the students to create a personal relic sculpture out of wire. We started with a wire practice worksheet to introduce the medium and teach different connection techniques. Afterwards students made wire portraits to further familiarize themselves with wire and to learn how to create intricate details. Finally students made their personal relic sculptures. The purpose of this project was to recognize that the objects we use in our life everyday and that are important to us end up becoming a part of our identity. 

Rationale - After this projects students not only have a decent understanding of working with wire but they also have another perspective on different parts of their identity. Many young people do not think about the signifigance of items they use every day and this lesson hopefully helps them to think more in their life about the stuff that they surround themselves with. 

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Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student 6 growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description - In this unit we started off with a formative assesmant. This was a worksheet with different sapes for students to trace with wire and different techniques to connect wire. Next, students were to complete a wire portrait and a personal relic wire sculpture. Afterwards for our summative assesment students filled out an a self assesment worksheet with questions about what they feel they did well on, could improve upon, the design elements they used and why they chose the object that they did. 

Rationale - The purpose of our formative assesment was first for students to familiarize themselves with using wire before jumping right into a bigger project. It was also so that we could assess the students' skill level before they started the other projects. Also to see which students might need some extra help during this unit. In our summative assesment we were able to see the thought process behind the students' work as well as have the students reflect on their succeesses and challenges durning the unit. 

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Artist Handout & PowerPoint

Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description - The artist handout I made talks about the wire artist Kristine Mays. This handout includes details about Mays' background and life, information about her work and questions for students to reflect upon. Her work is centered around her identity and this hopefully influenced students to think about diffeent ways that they can portrey their identity. We also had a slideshow that we would show in class throughout the unit that includes the objectives for the unit, vocabulary, some basic details of our key artists and instructions on how to choose a refrance photo for their wore portraits. 

Rationale - We talked about different artists to show students different styles of working with wire and included different vocabulary terms so that we could better communicate with them about their ideas and artistic process. 

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Professionalism, Advocacy, and Leadership: Pal 1 (2 submissions)

Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description - I went to a visiting artist talk featuring the caramic artist Ben Krupka. His work is mainly functional and wheel thrown, in his lecture he talked about how the function and form work together and that when he is working he tries to collaborate with what the vessel is holding. He also encourages imperfections and emphasizes the material and the fact that it is from the earth. The part of his lecture that I found most interesting was when he talked about woodfire kilns, how they work, and the pros and cons of firing ceramic work in this fashion. 

Rationale - As a ceramic student, this lecture made me think about my own ceramic work, in my own work I am very much so a perfectionist and I like all the little details of my work to be neat and precise. After this lecture I tried to embrace some of the imperfections, and work with the clay and the glaze and let it do what it wanted instead of manipulating every little detail. This opened my eyes to many more possibilitites when working with clay and I am so glad that I attended this lecture. 

Description - I attended Dance Association's end of year showcase, Unravel. Dance education and dance performance majors choreographed, preformed and showcased their own dances for this showcase. There were a variety of styles and meanings behind the different dances. This show was different than any other dance show I have seen. There was clearly much artistry and thought behind each of the different routines. Every aspect of each different routine was perfected, including choreography, costumes, music, lighting, and even props. 

Rationale - The artistry behind this show was incredible. The routines were exciting to watch and there was never a dull moment. Some of the routines were very intense and in one the dancer even broke a table. The routines were emotional and thought provoking. My favorite was called Mother and the music was just different sounds that the earth makes, the dancer had multiple different outfit changes and moved their body to emulate the different things in nature such as rain, dirt, wind, trees, and my favorite part was when they were emulating fire. It was so interesting to see these things being represented my movement. 

Unfortunately there was no photo or video allowed durning the performance 

Professionalism, Advocacy, and Leadership: Pal 2 (2 submissions)

Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description - I am vice president of the RSO Endurance Dance Team. In this postion I have many different responsibilities such as leading practice if our presidant is absent, leading warmup every proctice, choreographing full group dances, helping organize our annual showcase and other preformances, as well as helping out the other board members if they need it. In addition to this responsibility, I also preformed in our spring showcase this year. 

Rationale - The role of vice presidant allows me to practice being a good leader, it is a tricky situation because my teammates are my friends but when we are at practice we are an RSO and we have certain rules in our constitution and it is sometimes tricky to keep up with our rules and keep everything fair for the group when you are a leader amongst peers but I am always working on finding a good balance. The dancing and performance aspect helps me to be more confidant and express myself through movement. 

Description - I have an instagram account dedicated to the artwork that I make, I share it with my friends, family, and anyone who happens to find my account. I like documenting my work in this way because I can see and share a large variety of artwork very easily. 

Rationale - Having this account allows myself and others to eqasily view my artwork and see a timeline of the artwork that I have made. I also think that it is interesting to see how I have grown as an artist since I started this account in high school. 

I work in a variety of mediums so it is especially interesting to see the phases of different media that I prefer to use. 

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